March Maddness, Welcoming New Techs & More

April, 01, 2024

March has been an exciting month at Forced Air Mechanical! 

For starters, we nominated our Above and Beyond Employee for February and this month it was Frank! He was nominated for his positive attitude, fantastic work ethic and being an overall team player. He never hesitates to jump in and help in whatever aspect is needed. We truly are grateful to have him as a part of our HVAC/R team!

Our annual March Madness competition has also officially started! We’ll have weekly updates on our social media accounts on standings but it’s a really close race so far. If you’ve followed our social accounts, you’ll also know we are pretty competitive – so much so that we drew our own bracket and rankings in the breakroom to keep track of who is in the lead! Most of us chose either UCONN or UNC to go all the way. UCONN is left in the race but unfortunately UNC has been eliminated. It's down to the match up tonight to see who the winner is!

We’ve also welcomed two technicians to our team. Josh and Anthony! Both technicians have been doing great with us so far and we will have photos and bios for them soon in our Meet Our Team section!